On this episode of the Recovery360 podcast, expert on outpatient services Brian Haney joins to discuss treatment options for people living with a Substance Use Disorder and the many paths to recovery.

The Recovery360 podcast is available from iHeart Media.

The content provided herein is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice or treatment. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health-related concerns, seek guidance from a qualified behavioral health professional. Click here to get help now. Any links are provided as a resource and no assurance is given as to the accuracy of information on linked pages.

1 Comment

  1. Focusing on individual needs is so important because addictions aren’t always stemmed from peer pressure and habits. For a lot of people, there are underlining causes that bring them back to their addictions time and time again. For me, it was my anxiety and my fear of the future. I worked through that and I was able to stay clean now for 15 years this year.

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